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音乐狗 The Music dog

03-16 15:37:27  浏览次数:206次  栏目:小学生英语故事
标签:少儿英语故事,小学英语故事,儿童英语故事, 音乐狗 The Music dog,http://www.qpx6.com

One day Suzyqu was walking home from her piano lesson and she heard a beautiful sound in the forest then it stoped Suzyqu then saw a dog walk out of the forest and it was not a normal dog. It was walking on his two back legs and he wore clothes and a hat. Suzyqu was shocked at this very strange dog. Then the dog started to sing. Suzyqu started to run home. The dog ran after Suzyqu. Then Suzyqu slowed down and the dog catchted up to her. Suzyqu said to the dog, do you now how to play the piano. The dog said to Suzyqu he knew to play the piano, "I love to play the piano."

then after that day Suzyqu and the dog became best frends. 

the End

Story by: Sarah, age 9, USA 

play the piano 弹钢琴
normal 普通的
back legs 后腿
shock 震惊
catch up 追上

,音乐狗 The Music dog
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