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第一单元Where are you from人教版教案

11-15 21:36:38  浏览次数:981次  栏目:三年级英语教案
标签:三年级英语教案大全, 第一单元Where are you from人教版教案,http://www.qpx6.com

  角色:P—Pencil B—Book E—Eraser



  场景:一天,John 没有把学习用品整理好就出去玩了,铅笔、橡皮、书本等散落了一地。

  B: (对着一只小小的铅笔不屑地问)Who are you? You're small.

  P: I'm the Pencil. I'm small, but I'm great.

  B: Where are you from?

  P: I'm from the pencil-box.

  B: I'm great.

  P: I'm great.

  E: Hi!

  B&P: Who are you?

  E: I'm Eraser.

  B&P: Where are you from?

  E: I'm also from the pencil-box.

  P: You're small.

  E: I'm small, but I'm also great. We are all great, and we are all from the schoolbag. We are a happy family.

  B&P: Yes, we are the happy family.

  E: Let's sing.

,第一单元Where are you from人教版教案