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五年级英语教学案例:Unit4 What are you doing?

11-15 21:37:47  浏览次数:672次  栏目:五年级英语教案
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  4.draw pictures

  T: You’re reading a picture book. Let’s see. (老师在实物投影上展示,边翻书边说:pictures,

  beautiful pictures.(板书pictures)Can you draw pictures.(师边说边画,然后板书、领读。)

  T: Can you draw pictures? Let’s finish the picture together. Please draw one thing. You can draw a tree, a path, grass, flowers,an apple and so on .


  5.answer the phone

  T:(电话铃声响起)I’m sorry. Please wait a minute. Let me answer the phone.(老师拿起听筒)

  Hello. It’s Miss Lu. I’m having English class. I’m very busy. Bye.

  (放下电话教学词组answer the phone )


  A、做Hide and seek游戏,把电话藏起来,通过一名学生找电话,全班同学用高低声提示,巩固这一动词词组。当学生找到电话,电话铃声再次响起,让学生试着加ing并读出。

  B、T: Next, practise in pairs. Use your books, like this.(老师把英语课本卷起,作为电话听筒,并出示下面的对话。)

  A: Hello.

  B: Hi. It‘s ________ . What are you doing?

  A: I’m answering the phone. What are you doing?

  B: I‘m _________ (drawing pictures /doing the dishes /cooking dinner / reading a book )

  (设计思路:老师接电话时说:Hello! It’s Miss Lu.自然渗透打电话的日常用语,然后做Hide and seek 游戏,以此来练习这一短语。紧接着让学生将书卷起做为电话,出示对话提示,小组练习。借助这个短语即可以对前面的四个短语做一阶段性总结,又可渗透下节课 Let‘s talk的内容。)

  Step 4 Practise

  1.Listen to the tape. Listen, point and repeat.

  2.Look at the blackboard and read after me .(do---doing---doing the dishes)

  3.T:(师生分工读)Ss: What are you doing? What are you doing?

  T: I’m doing the dishes. (教师边做动作边说)What are you doing?

  4.Let’s chant.(投影出示P44的Let’s chant.边说边做)

  5.Play a guessing game.

  一名学生从词卡中挑出一张出示给全班同学,另一名学生背对这位同学,猜一猜自己正在干什么,全班同学问:What are you doing ?猜的同学边做动作边用I‘m _ing来回答。

  (设计思路:听录音之后看板书领读, 领读过程中,通过动词原形与现在分词的对比,使学生进一步理解现在分词的构成,紧接着师生分工读,自然引出Let’s chant的内容,在Let‘s chant之后,我设计了一个猜单词的游戏,这是一个常规性的游戏,无多少技巧隐含其中,时间够了就做,不够就略去,这是机动处理的部分。)

  Step 5 Consolidation and extension

  T: Boys and girls, spring is here.Group1 is going to do housework..Group2 is going to have a picnic . Group3 is going to have a sports meeting. Group4 is staying in the classroom.(教师边说边将卡片发下去。)

  1.首先从课前发下去的词卡 比如 play___ the piano 中挑选动词词组且加ing,如并试着读出,然后将词组贴在对应的图画下面。

  2.学生发现问题,即个别单词的后面画有四条小横线,swim_ _ _ _, run_ _ _ _, set_ _ _ _, 老师集中讲解问题。

  3.小组内练习,利用句型What are you doing? I’m _____ing.充分讨论。



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,五年级英语教学案例:Unit4 What are you doing?